
hello world.

hello, world.

i’m going to keep this first post short and sweet. i’m not exactly sure what this blog is going to be about and i’m sure it’ll evolve over time. overall, it’s a place for me to write. i’m generally interested in tech-related stuff so i’m sure there will be a lot of that but i won’t make any promises or guarantees that it’ll be about any one thing in particular.

sharing information is important. i’ve learned a lot from the random blogs and articles i’ve come across over the years, written by people who seem to be have been writing only for themselves and an imagined audience who they had no way of knowing existed or not. i still frequently stumble across posts from over 20 years ago with something interesting to say. there’s also something to be said for the preservation of information through restating and repeating things that have already been said. i think this great post from a blog i found recently sums up this notion better than i’m doing here now.

anyway, i’m hoping to keep this blog around for a while and use it to document some of the issues i come across that don’t seem to be answered anywhere else on the internet. that’s starting to happen to me more often recently so i’ve started keeping notes when it does. those will likely become future posts here.